Protecting the environment is essential in our operation, therefore we care about being as efficient as possible in resource and biodiversity preservation. The results of water management, carbon footprint, energy use, and waste management by the end of 2020 are presented below.
The production of organic fruit consists of using materials that do not deteriorate the soil. Among its main benefits, they provide safe and healthy habitats, reduce pollution, improve soil and water quality, and provide a self-sustainable cycle in the crops.
We want to commit ourselves to reducing our carbon footprint, which is why we began to measure our CO2 emissions in July 2020, therefore the results presented are from the 2020-2021 season for Chile, Peru, and Mexico.
Renewable energies are one of the main sustainable pillars to work on, which is why we have built 18 solar plants in Chile, which will supply 100% of the energy used in our own farms. Energy consumption (MJ) corresponds to the period from July to December 2020 for Chile, Peru, and Mexico, while the solar energy equivalents started at the beginning of its operation (January 2020) to July 2021.
In order to know our water footprint and be able to make efficient use of the resource, since July 2020 we are measuring water use in all of Hortifrut’s farms. The results presented correspond to the period from July to December 2020 for Chile, Peru, and Mexico.
During the 2020-2021 season, we used 90% of recycled PET in our packaging. This season 21-22 we increased the percentage to 100% of RPET. We are committed to migrating to 100% wash away labels for the 24-25 season, which are more easily detached in the recycling process.
The mentioned waste corresponds to the period from July to December 2020, where Peru has the highest recycling rate.