Strawberry Parfait

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  • 1 bag (16 oz) Hortifrut frozen strawberries
  • 4 yolks
  • 3.5 oz sugar
  • 9 oz medium peak whipped cream


  • 5.5 oz strawberries
  • 1 cup sugar


For the sauce:
Carefully put the strawberries and sugar over medium heat, to make a soft jam. Decorate with mint leaves.

Then unfreeze the strawberries and sprinkle with sugar. Prepare a syrup with the sugar and water. Beat the yolks and add the thread consistency syrup so that they cook with the syrup.

Lower the temperature by whisking, and add the blended strawberries in their own maceration juice.

Add the whipped double cream with medium peaks, which means shortly before it becomes Chantilly. Mix thoroughly, pour into baking cups, and put them in the freezer.

Take them out at the moment of serving, and serve together with the strawberry sauce.