Strawberry ice cream

Home / Products / Recipes /  Deserts & Marmalade  / Strawberry ice cream


  • 14 oz strawberries, washed and stems removed
  • 1 natural yogurt (about 4.2 oz)
  • 2 tablespoons white granulated sugar, the amount may vary to taste, but remember cold food tastes a bit less sweet


  • Plastic wrap
  • Blender


Put the yogurt and strawberries in the blender (in that order, or the blender will spin without grinding the mixture).

Blend until obtaining a smooth paste.

Taste and add sugar if necessary (remember that cold desserts taste less sweet).

Pour the mixture into a freezer-safe container (I personally prefer using a loaf pan).

Cover with plastic wrap, it is VERY important for the mixture to touch the wrap, otherwise ice crystals will form and the mixture will not be creamy.

Put in the freezer for at least 6 hours.

Take out of the freezer and allow to set at room temperature for 10-15 minutes, depending on the room temperature.

Remove the plastic wrap with a fork and “scrape” the ice cream to loosen it. Serve in scoops of ice cream and enjoy!

Recipe by: @minigourmet