Light Blueberry Panna Cotta

Home / Products / Recipes /  Deserts & Marmalade  / Light Blueberry Panna Cotta


  • 3 1/3 cups skim milk
  • 4/5 cup light cream
  • Orange zest without the pith
  • 1 tbsp almond extract
  • 2 envelopes unflavored gelatin

Blueberry sauce:

  • 2 cups Hortifrut blueberries
  • 1 cup red wine
  • Orange zest without the pith
  • ½ tbsp unflavored gelatin
  • 2 tbsp strained orange juice

10 servings


Pana cotta:

Dissolve the gelatin in the milk and then put over medium heat with all the ingredients.

Remove from the heat and pour into individual cups, then chill until it sets.

Blueberry sauce:

Cook all the ingredients over medium heat and boil for 5 minutes.

Allow to cool and pour over the panna cotta.