First put one cup of couscous in a bowl and immediately add one cup of recently boiled water, cover, and allow to sit.
While you wait for the couscous to be ready, prepare the ingredients.
First marinade the salmon with salt, garlic and ginger and set aside.
Then cut the strawberries into brunoise (small cubes), gather the basil leaves, roll them, and cut them lengthwise into strips, then chop the almonds without grinding them.
Once the preparation is ready, heat a pan and wait until very hot, then sear the salmon on all its sides and allow to rest until reaching the desired cooking point. You have to wait around 15 minutes for it to be completely cooked.
While waiting for the salmon to be done, add the ingredients to the couscous; in addition to the previously cut ingredients, add salt and olive oil, and stir until everything is well mixed, correct the taste, and assemble the dish.
For the assembly, ideally mold the couscous and place the salmon on one side.