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Hortifrut Peru is building the largest and most modern “Cuna Mas” in their country

Jan 16, 2021

To continue their contribution to the community, Hortifrut Peru is building the most modern “Cuna Mas” in the Chao district and the country. The project, in which we worked together with MIDIS, came about as a help and support proposal for mothers working in agriculture and all the families that take part in the development of our agribusiness community.

It includes the construction of a complex facility to care for children under 3 years of age: a room for children who walk, one for children who crawl, a diaper changing station, a room for babies, a games room, and a reading room, among others. The design is intended for providing a balanced diet, a critical contribution to reduce the rates of anemia, so it is key for an optimal cognitive development and learning. Training the professionals in charge of the infants will also be essential, with emphasis on early stimulation.

The Ministry for Development and Social Inclusion (MIDIS, by its initials in Spanish) will be in charge of the administration of this “Cuna Mas”. It has a total area of 1,522.1 m2, a built area of 919.32 m2, and a caring capacity for 240 children.

“It is very pleasant to share these news, as this “Cuna Mas” will have an impact on the quality of life and development of 240 children. Our commitment to the community and its sustainability is a priority for our company”, said the General Manager of Hortifrut Peru-Trujillo, Fernando Mendez.