At Hortifrut we are constantly searching for the highest technology standards and productive systems, with the goal of increasing competitivity and productivity in orchards and industrialize the production of homogeneous fruit of high quality and condition, to supply the best Berries to customers around the world.
That is why we feel responsible, as a leading company in production and exportation of blueberries and berries in general, for seeking different tools aimed at solving problems triggered by climate changes, such as the control of different plagues, diseases, as well as using technology tools that improve processes and decrease those factors that limit profitability of the investment for all the blueberry producers in the industry. Therefore, Hortifrut makes its crops and packing available for technological tests and development, being the platform to spread the results and experiences to every place in the world were blueberries are produced.
We have looked for the best partners to move forward in research and development, creating strategic alliances with different suppliers, universities and/or research centers in different places around the world in order to fulfill our commitment.
Some agreements were made with institutions such as INIA and Adolfo Ibañez University.
The R+D area is divided into the agricultural and post-harvest areas. The agricultural area considers all trials and developments done in the field and the preharvest area; it involves from the harvest to the final fruit reception by the client.
CABRITO PROJECT: Commercial formulations of entomopathogenic organisms for the control of the Aegorhinus nodipennis (“cabrito”) in conventional blueberry orchards.
ORGANIC FERTILIZERS PROJECT: Development of a tool, in the nutritional area, for decision-making in the organic production of blueberries for export.
YIELD ESTIMATION PROJECT: Yield and quality estimation of blueberry orchards based on precision agricultural tools for the optimization of production variables.
LAB-PHONE PROJECT : Spectrometry optics and technology monitoring system (OST-SMART) for management and control of grape and blueberry production and quality to face the effects of climate change.
BERRYALERT: Fruit traceability in terms of time and temperature from harvest until it reaches the final client.
OXYION: Certified technology for environmental control in storing, processing, and transportation of perishables.